Text Box: WATCH
Text Box: Oct 18, 2004
Text Box: Volume 4, Issue 1
Text Box: SASBA South Central
Text Box: added, will have a reception and Auction New Year’s Eve (with live music), 8-game block qualifying on Saturday then a match-play finals on Sunday. A televised stairstep finals is possible.  This tournament is limited to the first 80 paid entries, no exceptions. Entry fee is $160 and is for members only. The hotel will fill up early, so call before Dec 1. to book your room. The reception will be at the host hotel. Pro-ams will be held on Thur. and Fri. nights. Let us know if you want to bowl the pro-am. Sweepers will be Friday at the normal times.
	The annual bowler of the year voting will be after the Baton Rouge tournament. Looks like it is still up for grabs. You have to have 5 tournaments in the South Central region to be eligible.
	We are working on next year’s schedule so get in touch with me if you have any suggestions as to tournament host centers.
Text Box: Maher, Ballard, Wall, Hensley Win Team Tourney
Text Box:    Sweeper Winners
Text Box:  	The Tornados team, featuring Chuck Maher, Phil Ballard, Don Wall and Carl Hensley eked out the close matches all weekend and qualified 1st, then held off the Savages 403-389 in the Baker-Style final to  win the 2nd Annual SASBA South Central Team Tournament at Paradise Lanes in Jackson, MS. 
	The win was the 2nd for Chuck, 6th title for Phil and the 1st for Don and Carl.
	The Savages were the oldest team in the tournament (266 yrs-4 Super Srs.) and got to the  title game by using a Greek Church conversion by John Montgomery to defeat the Warriors 468-448 . John’s teammates were Charlie Hufford, Doc Williams and Bernie Carlisle. The Warriors were comprised of Ricky Siegfried, John Hitzman, M.A. Copeland and Skip Chapman.
	Good fun was had by all as this format proved once again that anyone has a shot at a banner in this tournament. The teams were within .09 of a pin in total average. The matches were exciting as most Text Box: went down to the last frame.	
	Thanks to Tony Engels and staff for being gracious hosts.
	Chuck beat Claude. Bill Lester nailed down “Dog of the Week” honors with a nice 136 game. Bernie’s teammates were sticking from his blood on the approach. Lundgren waited until Sunday to win a match. Ricky Siegfried tied with Sam Howell and Sonny Haynes for the most individual points and won a bowling bag in the tiebreaker. Chuck beat Claude. Addington forgot. Fred Ferrage’s team, being named ICE, couldn’t get warmed up. 
	Our next tournament will be The Annual Championship in Baton Rouge at Don Carter’s the first weekend in November. The entry fee is $210. Half the field will cash. There will be at least $3000 added. There will be a 2nd chance sweeper on Sunday morning with $500 added for those who don’t make the first cut.
	Make plans now for Union City, TN on New Year’s Weekend. It will be $5000 Text Box: Text Box: Bernie Carlisle
Bill Gillane 
Sam Howell

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Tourney recap


Sweeper  finalists


Our next tourney




2004 Schedule






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