
Statistics are based on data extracted from Excel spreadsheets for each tournament.

Statistics are generated by importing all tournament information into a database.

Additional data such as age of bowlers and location of each tournament included in the database.

Internally each bowler is assigned a bowler identification number.

This association allows for new types of stats to created and reported.

Information from the database is queried and displayed in browser dynamically.

This means as soon as the database is updated, stats will be available.

Pre 1999 Results

Complete statistics were not kept for tournaments prior to 1999.

Important details like number of titles won and total earnings are available and incorporated with post 1999 results.


Need to know bowler's birthday to accurately determine age for title winners.

Age at time of tournament is used to compute Hall Of Fame Points.

Spreadsheets changed formats over time and were filled out by different people.

Typos or variations in names has to be handled carefully -- a SASBA id number would help clear this up

Note: Stats may contain errors. Testing is still in progress.